"From Occupation to Liberation: The Tumultuous Journey of the Greek Civil War"

"From Occupation to Liberation: The Tumultuous Journey of the Greek Civil War"

, by Unboxify, 6 min reading time

The Greek Civil War: A Tale of Liberation and Conflict

Introduction 📜

The Greek people endured tremendous hardship during three years of Axis occupation from 1941 to 1944. Greece existed merely in name as neither the Allied-supported free government in Cairo nor the Axis puppet regime in Athens held the allegiance of most Greeks. Cut off from the outside world, Greece was adrift and embroiled in chaos. Amidst this disorder, the Greeks speculated on their nation's future—a monarchy, a republic, or a workers' paradise. However, the destiny of Greece would be delineated not by ballots and slogans but by bullets and bloodshed. This blog delves into the pandemonium that accompanied Greece's Allied liberation and the British military’s intervention in the Greek Civil War.

The Axis Occupation and Its Aftermath 🪖

Between 1941 and 1944, Greece was under Axis occupation, and the country suffered extensively. The ruling powers, both Axis-supported and Allied-backed, failed to command widespread loyalty. In this turbulent environment, the Communist Greek party or KKE (Kappa Kappa Epsilon) emerged as a substantial political force under Georgios Siantos, as its previous head, Nikos Zachariadis, was imprisoned in Dachau.

The Rise of Resistance Movements 💥

In September 1941, under the KKE's direction, the National Liberation Front (EAM) was formed, soon leading to the creation of the Greek People's Liberation Army (ELAS) by December. EAM-ELAS began operations in Spring 1942, demanding total compliance from its members—a foreign concept for the individualistic Greeks, wary of organized authority due to centuries of foreign misrule. EAM-ELAS’s promotion of unity and purpose drove its prominence in the underground resistance, yet this did not result in cohesion. Their operations faced not only Axis occupiers but also rival resistance factions vying for political dominance.

British Intervention and Underground Collaboration 🇬🇧

The Greek resistance did not fight in isolation. Following Greece's defeat of Italy's invasion, the British became significant supporters. British troops arrived in the Mediterranean in March 1941, soon followed by MI6 agents who made contact with Greek partisans. MI6's activities were later subsumed into the Special Operations Executive (SOE), including notable figures like Sir Christopher Lee.

Sabotage and Ideological Struggles ⚔️

The intervention of the Nazis, coupled with the Allies and Greek government's expulsion, intensified SOE's role in Greece. A campaign of sabotage by British and Greek elements ensued. However, such efforts were hindered by ideological infighting within the Greek resistance, casting the SOE as unwilling referees. Despite internal conflicts, the Greeks proved adept at gathering intelligence. Substantial reports about the popular unrest and the unpopularity of both the Allied-approved Greek government in Cairo and the Axis puppet regime in Athens were sent.

Planning Liberation: Operation Mana ☄️

Drawing closer to an Allied victory in 1944, the EAM-ELAS had grown powerful, worrying their British counterparts. Behind closed doors, the British decided to ensure Greece would not fall to the communists. With the Plaka Agreement in February 1944, the British brokered a ceasefire among squabbling Greek resistance organizations, although key demands from the EAM-ELAS were rejected. Churchill had long supported the Greek monarchist faction, which faced turmoil when King Georgios II refused to permit a Regency government upon retaking the country. This chaos emboldened the communists, leading to renewed civil strife.

The Outbreak of Greek Civil War 💔

The volatile political environment culminated in May 1944. Resistance factions and the government-in-exile formed the Lebanon Charter, uniting varied interests under a new government, proposing democratic elections, and planning a referendum on reinstating the monarchy.

Operation Mana and the British Liberation Strategy 🎯

The British, now stewards of Greek liberation, used their influence from supplying resistance groups and housing the free Greek government in Egypt. Operation Mana was Churchill’s blueprint for British-led liberation. Meanwhile, EAM-ELAS engaged in offensive operations, confronting both Axis forces and local collaborators. The British responded, establishing order and navigating the shifting allegiance landscape among Greek communist fighters. In September 1944, the British began their offensive, capturing strategic ports and advancing towards Athens, leading to the retreat of Nazi forces. Upon arrival in Athens, Prime Minister Georgios Papandreou faced enormous challenges: managing the dominating EAM-ELAS outside the capital, addressing collaborator punishment demands, disarming partisans, and stabilizing the economy.

Escalation of Civil Conflict 💥

Negotiations between Papandreou's government and EAM-ELAS failed. Tensions erupted on December 2, 1944, when a forbidden pro-EAM demonstration in Athens led to police violence and numerous deaths. This outbreak spurred the Greek civil conflict anew.

British Military Response and Civil Strife 🚀

Churchill ordered a robust British military response, combining armored and parachute brigades to form Ark Force, focused on defending Athens. Despite European popular war weariness, Churchill was steadfast in opposing Greek communism. December 16 saw a significant, yet ultimately fragmented, communist attack in Athens. Churchill called for a conference on Christmas Day 1944 to mediate between the communist faction and the Greek government. The conference witnessed demands and refusals, but eventually led to appointing Archbishop Damaskinos as regent and hardline anti-communist General Nikolaos Plastiras heading the government amid escalating civil discord.

Transition to Truce 🤝

The EAM-ELAS retreated from key positions but committed significant atrocities, which fueled anti-communist sentiment. Nonetheless, the communist leadership entered negotiations, culminating in the Varkiza Agreement on February 12, 1945, seeing EAM-ELAS’s demobilization and disarmament under British supervision.

A Maligned Peace and Hidden Turbulence 🕊️

Plastiras attempted stabilization amid persistent right-wing retaliation desires against longtime communist partisans. His eventual resignation gave way to Admiral Petros Voulgaris, who contended with armed vigilantes and a recuperating EAM-ELAS.

Withdrawal and Reignition of Conflict 🌋

British forces began a phased withdrawal from Greece by 1950, amidst heightened tensions and resurgent communist zeal under Nikos Zachariadis, leading to renewed conflict in March 1946. Yugoslav support sustained the Greek communists with hardware supplies.

The Cold War Stage in Greece 🌐

As the civil conflict reignited, the Greek communists grappled with shortages until U.S. intervention equipped the Greek government sufficiently to counter the communist insurgency. The decisive battle at the Albanian frontier in 1949 led to a communist rout, securing governmental control and ending the Greek Civil War.

Post-War Implications: Ideological Drama on Global Stage 🎭

The Allied, primarily British and American, interventions aimed to preclude a communist takeover, preventing Greece from succumbing to the Eastern Bloc. However, these actions entrenched political schisms and set the stage for a right-wing military junta two decades later.

Conclusion: The Wounds of War 🩸

The Greek Civil War, characterized by ideological divisions and international interventions, left profound scars. While Allied forces, especially the British, played significant roles in liberation and subsequent stability efforts, the enduring aftermath entrenched political animosities influencing Greece’s subsequent historical trajectory. This conflict remains a poignant chapter in the broader Cold War theater, reflecting the lasting impact of external powers on national destinies in the volatile post-war landscape.

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