"How the Encirclement of Kiev Marked a Turning Point in WWII History"

"How the Encirclement of Kiev Marked a Turning Point in WWII History"

, by Unboxify, 6 min reading time

The Encirclement of Kiev: A Pivotal Moment in World War II

⚔️ Introduction

As artillery thunders outside his headquarters, Marshal Simeon Timoshenko, the newly appointed commander of the Soviet Southwestern Front, receives a message from high command. After weeks of denial, his predecessor's request for permission to withdraw from Kiev has finally been approved, but it is too late. Only the day before, German forces from the north and south had met up to the east, cutting off the last chance to escape. The largest encirclement in history was now complete, and there was nothing he could do to prevent the looming disaster.
Table of Contents:
  • The Prelude to Encirclement
  • The German Invasion Unfolds
  • The Noose Tightens
  • A Vain Struggle for Survival
  • The Aftermath: Losses and Atrocities
  • Conclusion: A Hollow Victory

⛏️ The Prelude to Encirclement

Prelude to Disaster Less than two months after Germany's invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941, its forces had driven deep into Soviet territory. Following the initial success of their offensive, German forces began preparing to secure the flanks of the rapidly advancing Army Group Center and eradicate additional enemy units in the north and south. Hitler's Decision Adolf Hitler directed elements of Army Group Center to assist Army Group North in the assault on Leningrad and to help Army Group South capture central Ukraine. Although many generals were reportedly unhappy with this decision, the orders were carried out and the advance toward the Ukrainian capital of Kiev began in early August. Significant Forces Engaged Army Group South's invasion of Ukraine was already underway with the reinforcements from Army Group Center, resulting in a formidable force consisting of:
  • 25 infantry divisions
  • 9 armored divisions
  • A total of 544,000 men
Opposing them were the forces of the Soviet Southern and Southwestern Fronts under the overall command of Marshal Simeon Timoshenko.

🌍 The German Invasion Unfolds

Initial Successes and Setbacks On August 8th, German forces finished off a pocket of Soviet troops at the town of Uman, which had been encircled in mid-July, causing over 200,000 casualties. With these men gone, the responsibility for defending central Ukraine fell squarely on the Southwestern Front, consisting of 627,000 troops under General Mikhail Kirpanos. Initial Defensive Line After the Battle of Uman, Kirpanos' forces established a robust defensive line along the Dnieper River, holding steadfast against German attacks from the west and south. However, by August 22nd, elements of Army Group Center crossed the Dnieper and began to besiege Kiev from the north. Stalin’s Reluctance The Soviets utilized the advantageous defensive positions of the marshes north of Kiev but Kirpanos quickly recognized the imminent threat of encirclement. He requested permission from Soviet high command to withdraw, but Joseph Stalin denied the request, ordering Kirpanos to hold Kiev at all costs. Unwilling to defy orders, Kirpanos had his men dig in and prepare to defend the city even as the noose tightened around him.

🔗 The Noose Tightens

German Strategy At the end of August, the Second Panzer Group and Second Army of Army Group Center, under the command of Heinz Guderian, overcame the tough Soviet defenses in the north by employing the tactic of maneuvering around them. This enabled them to steadily make their way south. Soviet Counter-Measures Kirpanos held onto a glimmer of hope, expecting that the German spearhead would overextend itself trying to encircle him, thereby becoming vulnerable to counter-attacks. He ordered the Bryansk Front under Lieutenant General Andrei Yeremenko to harass Guderian's tank group, slow its advance, and ultimately encircle and destroy them. Although this was largely a stretch, the Bryansk Front successfully delayed the Second Panzer Group with guerilla attacks, but suffered heavy losses.

🪖 A Vain Struggle for Survival

First Panzer Group’s Advance Any remaining hope was shattered on September 12th when the First Panzer Group of Army Group South secretly crossed the Dnieper and rapidly advanced northeast to meet with their comrades from Army Group Center. These armored units cut across the rear of the Southwestern Front, making total encirclement of the forces in Kiev inevitable. Stalin’s Reaction The dire reality finally prompted Stalin to act. He chose Marshal Budyonny, the commander of the Soviet forces in Ukraine and his longtime ally, as the scapegoat. On September 13th, after the First Panzer Group crossed the river, Stalin unceremoniously fired Budyonny, relegating him to a non-combat command. Marshal Simeon Timoshenko was appointed to salvage the situation as the First and Second Panzer Groups closed in from the north and south, rendering Soviet efforts futile.

💥 The Tragic Encirclement of Kiev

Last Attempts to Resist A minor victory came on the night of the 13th when forward elements of Guderian's forces were repelled from the town of Lubny. Despite sniping from rooftops and windows, and bombarding German tanks with Molotov cocktails, these valiant efforts only delayed the inevitable. Complete Encirclement On September 16th, Guderian's Second Panzer Group met the First Panzer Group at the town of Lokhvitsa, completing the encirclement. Four Soviet armies were now trapped within the pocket, and German leaders were astonished by the extent of their success. Yet, the encircled Soviet forces received a belated telegram from Marshal Shaposhnikov finally authorizing them to withdraw. German Onslaught On September 18th, the Luftwaffe bombarded Kiev, dropping over 1.2 million pounds of bombs with the aim to obliterate the city. Simultaneously, German ground forces systematically advanced from all directions, crushing the resistance. In the east, where German lines were thinner, Soviets made desperate attempts to break out. However, they were unsuccessful.

⚰️ The Aftermath: Losses and Atrocities

Fall of Kiev On September 19th, German forces occupied Kiev, raising Nazi flags above the citadel. Unlike other cities that the Soviets destroyed upon their retreat, Kiev was captured largely intact, allowing the Nazis to quickly establish supply depots and command headquarters. Soviet Retaliation Five days after the city fell, hidden explosives, previously planted by the NKVD, detonated, killing 200 German soldiers and officers, and setting off a massive firestorm. Meanwhile, other Soviet forces engaged in a disoriented and desperate fight, with General Kirpanos meeting his end during an attempted breakout. Mass Executions The Soviets lost upwards of 700,000 men, with four entire armies obliterated. Post-battle, the Nazis carried out a large-scale massacre at the Babyn Yar ravine, executing over 33,000 Jews in retaliation for the bombings in Kiev.

🛡️ Conclusion: A Hollow Victory

Devastating Loss The Battle of Kiev handed complete control of central Ukraine to the Germans but revealed the cracks in the Nazi war machine. Damaged tanks outpaced the capacity for repair, and strained supply lines showed the logistical challenges the Germans faced. Defiance and Future Tactics Despite their loss, the Soviets began to employ the scorched-earth tactic more effectively, slowing the German advance, which would eventually contribute to turning the tide in the war as the dreaded Russian wet season, Rasputitsa, loomed ahead. The Encirclement of Kiev stands as a poignant chapter illustrating the brutality and devastation of World War II. Amidst the chaos, it also reflected the determination and resilience that would eventually lead to the Soviets reclaiming their homeland.

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