"Poland's 1939 Invasion: Calamity, Betrayal, and Heroic Resistance Unveiled"

"Poland's 1939 Invasion: Calamity, Betrayal, and Heroic Resistance Unveiled"

, by Unboxify, 9 min reading time

The Invasion of Poland: A Tale of Calamity, Betrayal, and Unyielding Resistance

In the suburbs of Warsaw, a veteran sits alone by the fireplace. The dying embers illuminate his stoic face, and the occasional flashes of light pierce the threadbare curtains covering the windows. He would be out there right now if he could. Sadly, the army has little use for maimed soldiers, even in situations as desperate as this. Having fought alongside the forces of the German Empire in the Great War, this veteran can scarcely believe that they are now coming to destroy his home.

The Prelude to War 📜

Born from the Ashes of the Great War Poland, resurrected from the devastation of World War I, emerged as a new nation. The entire map of Eastern Europe had been redrawn after the war, and although Poland was the largest and strongest of these new countries, it was dwarfed by the superpowers on the horizon. To the west loomed Germany, frustrated by the Polish Corridor cutting off its access to East Prussia. To the east was the Soviet Union, still seething from its loss in the 1919-1920 Polish-Soviet War. The Defensive Alliance with France Desperate to secure its future as a sovereign state, Poland entered into a defensive alliance with France in 1921. However, this distant ally offered scant protection against Soviet aggression, prompting Poland to invest heavily in its eastern defenses. It was only after Foreign Minister Joseph Beck secured a non-aggression pact with the USSR in 1932 that tension seemed to ease.

The Rise of Germany and Broken Promises 🇩🇪

The Sudetenland Precedent Germany, a humbled shell of a nation after World War I, suddenly burst back onto the scene, led by Adolf Hitler's National Socialist Party. This resurgent and increasingly militant country now had its eyes dead set on the ethnically divided territories torn from it by the Treaty of Versailles. Beck stepped up yet again to defuse the situation, wrangling another non-aggression pact from Germany in 1934. The Blunder in Zawoja However, the house of cards came crashing down in October 1938 when Hitler seized the German ethnic Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia. Poland used it as a precedent to annex Zawoja, a Polish ethnic region in Czechoslovakia. This monumental blunder caused both Britain and France to reconsider their support for Poland, viewing the move as an act of aggression.

Germany's Demands and Poland's Refusal 📜

Germany submitted a list of demands to Poland that included annexing the Free City of Danzig and constructing an extraterritorial road and railway through the Polish Corridor. Losing Danzig would have cut off Poland almost entirely from the sea, and a German railway could have later been used to justify the seizure of the entire corridor. Thus, Beck refused Hitler's demands, denouncing them as tantamount to a renunciation of Polish sovereignty.

Preparation for the Inevitable Conflict 💣

The Defensive Plans As tensions escalated, plans were drawn up to defend against an attack from the north and west. However, they had to be immediately reworked after Germany completely annexed Czechoslovakia in March 1939, which stretched the Polish-German border much further to the south. Suddenly, Poland had to worry about every point on the compass. The Alliance with Britain and France Later that month, on March 31st, Poland formed a tentative military alliance with both Britain and France, with the former promising to support Poland's independence. By August 1939, Hitler was seeking any pretext to justify an invasion of Poland as panzers massed along the border.

Miscommunication and Mobilization 📞

Marshall Edward Ridz-Smigly, commander-in-chief of Poland's military, tried desperately to mobilize Polish forces. However, his efforts were foiled by the UK and France, who insisted that the Poles offer no provocation to the Germans. Thus, their army sat idle until August 30th, when Ridz-Smigly finally ordered a general mobilization. Just one day later, German troops dressed in Polish uniforms launched a series of false flag attacks against German military and civilian targets.

The Onset of War 🎇

The German Blitzkrieg At 4:45 a.m. on September 1st, 1939, the German invasion began with the pre-dreadnought Schleswig-Holstein bombarding a military depot in Danzig. The air rocked, and fountains of sand, stones, and smoke rose up. Shattered trunks and branches of trees, pieces of human bodies, and weapons flew in the air. Overwhelming Force German armored spearheads punched straight through the confused Polish lines with barely a pause. Army Group North attacked the Polish Corridor, Army Group South attacked towards Krakow and Warsaw, and forces from the German puppet state of Slovakia attacked Poland's southern regions.

Initial Resistance and Polish Cavalry 🐎

Nonetheless, some units resisted fiercely, especially the Polish cavalry brigades. Far from charging into battle solely armed with sabers and lances, these modern cavalrymen also carried bolt-action rifles, anti-tank rifles, and machine guns, giving them access to some of the most concentrated firepower of the early war period.
  • At the Battle of Mokra, the Wawelska Cavalry Brigade destroyed at least 50 German tanks and inflicted some 800 casualties in one of the only Polish victories of the war.
  • The Strategic Withdrawal 🌉

    The River Defenses By September 5th, Polish armies withdrew beyond the Vistula and Dunajec Rivers, abandoning Western Poland. Unfortunately, the rivers had almost completely dried up due to drought, posing little obstacle to the German advance. To make matters worse, fleeing refugees clogged the roads, hampering efforts to contain the enemy breakthrough. The Plea for Allied Support Desperate for any assistance, Poland urged its allies to attack Germany's extremely weak Western Front. France responded by launching an offensive into the Saar region of Germany on September 7th, just as the Poles had hoped. Early reports showed the French making remarkable progress, capturing towns and overwhelming all German resistance.

    Abandonment by Allies 🤝

    But then, on the 13th, the French halved their advance and eventually pulled back. The news came like a slap in the face to the Poles. Without the help of their allies, Plan West was utterly ruined.

    The Siege of Warsaw 🏰

    The Defense Network As the German front closed in, Polish forces made strategic retreats. Meanwhile, over 150,000 civilian volunteers labored tirelessly to prepare a network of anti-tank ditches and improvised barricades, transforming Warsaw into a fortress. Consecutive Bombing Raids Between September 1st and the 6th, Polish fighters and anti-aircraft guns downed 80 German bombers and damaged more than 20 others. However, the situation deteriorated as the Germans escalated their bombing campaign. On September 10th, enemy bombers carried out 17 consecutive bombing raids, overwhelming the Polish defenses.

    Unyielding Resistance 💪

    On September 8th, Polish defenders watched with a mix of fear and resolve as German tanks appeared on the horizon. The attack began in the south, as panzers overran several suburbs. But when the Germans attacked from the west, the Poles pushed them back from behind their makeshift barricades.
  • When the Germans came again on the 9th with reinforcements, the stubborn Poles repelled them once more.
  • Despite their shortage of anti-tank weapons, the Poles employed sheer ingenuity—covering streets with turpentine and setting them on fire, and even lighting mattresses on fire to hurl onto the Germans from balconies.

    The Encirclement and the Soviet Betrayal 🛡️

    The Eastern Advance Around this time, strange reports began arriving from the east—Soviet forces were pouring across the border, and the Germans were retreating before them. To the beleaguered defenders of Lviv, this meant salvation. After enduring a grueling siege by German forces, the city opened its gates to the Red Army without hesitation. The Horrible Truth But the Soviets were not there to help. They were there to take their share of the spoils. It was at this point that the Polish high command lost confidence in the defense of the country and fled to the border of Romania to the small town of Kuty. Abandoned by their leadership, the remaining Polish forces had no idea how to react to the Soviet invasion.

    The Collapse of Polish Resistance 🚧

  • On September 27th, after three weeks of staunch resistance, the Warsaw garrison finally surrendered.
  • The city's near-complete destruction left the inhabitants in a state of utter despair.
  • One later wrote: "We listened silently to these grim words. There were no questions or comments. Our minds recognized the inevitability of capitulation, but our feelings could not be reconciled to it. Was this to be the end?"

    The Aftermath and Continued Resistance 🔥

    A Heavy Price The brave but unsuccessful defense of Poland came at a steep price. Poland sustained between 880,000 and 1,253,000 casualties. Germany sustained between 44,000 and 51,400, and the USSR between 3,800 and 13,000 during the invasion. Nevertheless, about 100,000 Polish soldiers managed to escape and would go on to join the Allied war effort. The Government in Exile In November 1939, the Polish government in exile announced that it would fight for the restoration of Poland despite their resentment towards Britain and France for failing to come to their aid. They agreed to cooperate with them and organize a resistance movement within their occupied country, culminating in the heroic but doomed Warsaw Uprising.

    The Fight for Poland Continues ⚔️

    Despite their devastating loss in the invasion, the fight for Poland was far from over. The remaining Polish forces, now scattered, reorganized and continued to offer resistance against the occupiers. The spirit of Poland would not be extinguished, and the stories of bravery and defiance during this grim period would continue to inspire future generations. The invasion of Poland in 1939 was not just the beginning of World War II—it was a tale of calamity, betrayal, and unyielding resistance. It serves as a stark reminder of the costs of war and the resilience of those who fight for their homeland.

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